
Diagnosis and a whole heap of stuff!!!

On December the 6th we received Bailey's official diagnosis and while the damage wasn't in thearea of the brain we thought it was in it was still there that means that Bailey does indeed have mild cerebral palsy affecting his left side his balance his depth perception his behaviour and his high pain tolerence level( which is a whole other story).

Our Dr explained that Bailey has two catche's in his right leg and his reflexes were slower than they were last time. He explained that this couple with the fact that he falls alot coupled with the fact he has a high pain tolerence(more on that later) means he needs a hinged AFO on his right leg which we are going to get fitted for tommorrow if this does not work than we will be talking about botox when he goes back in February.

I was relieved that we finally got the diagnosis not that i want him to have cerebral palsy but just knowing that all this stuff he does is indeed a symptom of something and not nothing makes me feel like we are on the right track to get him sorted out.

Now Baileys troublesome high pain threshold. We have been having a bit of trouble with this lately he has jammed his fingers in the door twice and cried for 2 seconds. He has fallen off the top bunk that i did not know he could climb while i was in the toilet and didn't utter a whimper. On Christmas eve he was at my in-laws and he was trying to get down a step and held on to a slightly heavy aluminium table. Well the table came down on top of his finger he screamed which is unlike Bailey but about 30 minutes later didn't seem that upset. His finger was bruised and swollen but i thought that it wasn't broken because he wasn't crying. He was crying every now and then and in the night but he also has a flu at the moment so i was unsure as wether it was his finger or him feeling like crap either way i gave him Panadol to help.

Fast forward to 3 days later when he started getting high temps and breathing fast his asthma was playing up so they told me to take him to the hospital which i did. They wanted to do an x-ray on his finger but they didnt think it was broken because he wasn't crying about it much and he also had an upper repritory infection. Well guess what turns out his finger is broken and it's across a growth plate so we have to see the plastics people tommorrow.

Fast forward to yesterday he falls over on the cement and grazes his head then last night he hit his head on the corner of hubbys bedside cabinet blood everywhere then today he bumps his head on the corner of the door this high pain tolerence level thing is really getting to me i never quite know when he is really hurt!

So i'm quite stressed as you can see i don't know what i can do for him. We have 3 appointments all in a row tommorrow and Ryan is on school holidays so all kids are home hubby home to. Isn't it funny when u wish they were home but when they are you get sick of them lol!

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