
A weight loss!!!

I was hoping that i wouldn't have to put up anything about a weight loss today in fact i actually thought Bailey had put weight on i was sure he would be 9.5 kilos at least! I was very very wrong. In the last fortnight Bailey has lost 100 grams so he now weighs 9.06 kilos and is 77.5cm tall i was devestated I have been working my heart out to get him to eat this last week and i thought he was doing great he was certainly eating a lot! Apparently not enough so i am waiting on a phone call from his dietitian to see what to do. I don't know what she will do because if i add extra calories to his bottle he just doesn't drink as much!!

Ryan went back to school today after having 3 weeks off! Talk about tiring all the older boys did all the holidays was fight so today is actually very quiet i miss him lol. He didn't look very happy at going back either and told me he had a headache. I didn't know if he was telling the truth or lying so i told him if it got worse id come and get him from school. He does have headaches Ryan and he near vomits with them and has to be in a dark room so i hope he is not getting one of those!


Blah Saturday!!!

Well i feel like crap. I have a sore throat and feel like I'm going to be sick! But the kids are all good at the moment which is a plus. It was not however the case on Tuesday, wedenesday and Thursday for Bailey. He was getting high temperatures and really sleepy i ended up getting the dr up for him on Thursday and he said that everything looked fine but he was going to send off a urine sample just to make sure because you don't just have high temps for nothing!

We went to OT on Tuesday as well it was pretty good all in all we discussed some of Bailey's sensitivitys and new ways in which to deal with them. I had a few concerns but wasn't sure if it was concerns that OT would have to deal with so I told her anyway when Bailey is pulling to stand his ankle looks like it is near bending backwards and when he moves his feet he is nearly always on tipytoes and also he has begun tol sit weird like on his tail bone its hard to explain. Also he has been having trouble eating finger foods he is always choking on them he doesn't chew he sucks. So the OT is going to talk to the PT and ST and see what they think I have an appointment with the PT next month anyway.

BAiley is completley back to his normal self the last two days however so I'm thinking that this may of just been a virus. He is still constipated but what's new there. Oh and he has two new little additions in his mouth- his two front teeth are finally coming through thats 4 teeth now hehehe!


Bailey's 1st Birthday Pics

Baileys "smiling"

and again but isnt it cute
Up close and personal!

Cool little dude!!!

Sorry they took so long but my computer is sooooo slow putting these up!!!Bailey has this really cut smile going on at the moment it all happened the night before his birthday whenever i would put the camera up to take a picture well u will see what i'm talking about lol.


Trying Tuesday!!!

Well not a real lot has happened since my last post. I went into a bit of a blogging rut and havent blogged for ages-sorry. It was my Hubbys birthday on Sunday and the boys helped me make a birthday cake for him and i cooked him a roast.

Bailey had an appointment today with both the health nurse and early Well didn't go too well with Baileys weight gain he only gain 80 grams in 2 weeks so not so good and he grew a cm so he is now 9.1kg and 77cm tall. Rang the dietitan because im getting concerned about his weight people are continually saying to me he is skinny. She also became concerned when she noticed for his corrected age he is in top line for height bottom for weight. I'm just having real trouble to get him to eat. With Bailey its either he eats alot of solids or drinks a lot of milk its either one or the other and it really frustrates me. The dietitian said he should be having at least a litre of fluid a day on top of his restricted diet at the moment. Bailey has 800ml at the most and thats on a good day when he hasn't eaten much on a bad day he will eat heaps but only drink like 400mls. To top things off his is still badley constipated and im out of things to try.

The peadiatrian i see doesnt want to give him large doses of parachoc all the tim in fact he said that the person who seen me in the emergency room was wrong to give him a 20ml dose Bailey should of only been have 5-10ml at the most. Poor littlwe guy is in soooo much pain when he passes a bowel motion and he wont touch any juice.

Early learning went ok Kathy is really lovely and she brought some stuff for the other two boys to play with and they sang songs and stuff. Bailey is becoming increasingly touchy with whoever touches his arms he immediantley becomes stiff so we will see where this goes next time i see OT.

On a more humorous note Ryan is all in to nameing things out at the moment being a typical 5 year old and he was trying to pronounce coke unfortunatley he got it wrong and said cock. I'm sorry but all i could do was laugh he thought i was going to go mad at him but he was only trying to sound out the word not purposley say it hehehe.