
Blah Saturday!!!

Well i feel like crap. I have a sore throat and feel like I'm going to be sick! But the kids are all good at the moment which is a plus. It was not however the case on Tuesday, wedenesday and Thursday for Bailey. He was getting high temperatures and really sleepy i ended up getting the dr up for him on Thursday and he said that everything looked fine but he was going to send off a urine sample just to make sure because you don't just have high temps for nothing!

We went to OT on Tuesday as well it was pretty good all in all we discussed some of Bailey's sensitivitys and new ways in which to deal with them. I had a few concerns but wasn't sure if it was concerns that OT would have to deal with so I told her anyway when Bailey is pulling to stand his ankle looks like it is near bending backwards and when he moves his feet he is nearly always on tipytoes and also he has begun tol sit weird like on his tail bone its hard to explain. Also he has been having trouble eating finger foods he is always choking on them he doesn't chew he sucks. So the OT is going to talk to the PT and ST and see what they think I have an appointment with the PT next month anyway.

BAiley is completley back to his normal self the last two days however so I'm thinking that this may of just been a virus. He is still constipated but what's new there. Oh and he has two new little additions in his mouth- his two front teeth are finally coming through thats 4 teeth now hehehe!

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