
Fun Friday!!!

I have been a tad busy, which is why i have not posted recently. With all thoughts of not having a hospital stay this year Master Bailey decided that would not be the case. Last Friday he started to get sick really clingy ( more than usual anyway) and he was having temps in the 39.4 degrees celcius. I managed to get his temp down to 39 with panadol 38.6 by stripping him off and i was running out of ideas! So I got our local GP up and he couldn't find anything wrong with him but said to keep an eye on him. Saturday My poor baby was gasping for air when he was sleeping he actually woke himself up by being so loud. When he woke i noticed he was feeling a little bit hot so i took his temp which was 37.6 i thought oh thats not too bad but also thought that i probably should give him some panadol now cause he was due for it and i didnt want his temp sky rocketing again. After I gave him the panadol I was walking back into the lounge room when he had a febrile convulsion He went stiff started shaking and holding his neck in a weird position and just screaming and a look of absolute terror in his face! So I rang the after hours Drs and they said go straight to hospital. He had another seizure before we left and his temp was 38.7 he had 3 more seizures at the hospital.

When we got up to the hospital his temp was still 38.7 and although the Dr up there could not find anything wrong with him because of Baileys history and the fact that his temp was not going down that we should do a set of bloods on him. This is how zoned out Bailey was he cried for the first prick ( they had to do it 4 times cause they couldn't find a good vein) and fell asleep during the other 3 he didnt even make a sound. They wanted to keep him in overnight because of his temps and the fact he wasn't drinking much. So poor Sam woke up on fathers day with only half his family there! When we got up to the ward his temp was 39.6. I got very little sleep because you have to sleep in these recliner chairs and Bailey would not let me go! By the morning he had picked up a bit and was running around the ward saying ta ta to everyone. When the pedis came to check him over before going home they told me that his lymph glands were very enlarged and if they went red over them then he had to go back. They could see no reason for his temps and letharginess his CRP level came back a little higher then normal but nothing really bad so off home we went.

All day Sunday Baileys temp was in the 39.7 degrees. I just kept the fluids up to him and tried my best to comfort him. On Tuesday I noticed a strange rash near his nappy I asked my Health nurse who was doing Baileys weight ( a 200gram loss by the way) and she said it looked like staph infection. So got the Dr up and lo and behold it was. So he is on some antibiodics for that and some cortizone cream for his exzcma because thats where staph get in apparently. So the hydro pool was out for us today!

Last night was Thomas turn he was crying most of the night with an earache and i think (No I'm near betting on it) that he has an ear infection because he has had grommets in his ears if he gets a ear infection it should ooze out the fluid (gross i know) which it is doing so I have the Dr coming up today to check him out. Honestly i think the guy must make a fortune out of us.

Sm has been home all week he took the week off work and we took the boys to the movies to see UP it was great and they were cracking up laughing the whole movie. On the way home we somehow got onto the topics of future occupations and Ryan wants to be a tattoo artist I told him he can be whatever he wants to be (well as long as its not a drug dealer rapist,or criminal) as long as he is happy! Thomas wants to be a Chef BIG SURPRISE THERE ha ha he loves his food !

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