

Hey everyone sorry it's been awhile I've been super busy last week there wasn't a day without something on it so. Monday was Ryan's Birthday so i was busy cooking two cakes for him-one to take to school the other for home. Tuesday we had the health nurse up to see Bailey for his weights and growth. Wednesday we had a 12 month corrected followup at the hospital NICU. Thursday we had Early Learning down then Friday we had Physio and Hydro-therapy.

Bailey is doing ok. On Tuesday he was weighed and measured and he put on 500grams in 3 weeks so i was very happy with that as he hasnt been putting on much if any lately so he is now 10 kilos and 79.5cm tall and head circumference is 47.5cm.

Wednesday we went to the hospital and they had a few concerns there. He scored 0 in his fine motor skills like picking up string with a pincer grip he can't do that yet or throwing a ball(it takes all his balance just to stand up!). The Physio there said he had a very very low attention span as he wasnt interested in what she was doing or wanted him to do. Also said his legs and ankles were floppy which could be whats causing him to fall and the catch he has in his left foot could also be contributing to it (Baileys regular Physio found this catch last time we seen her about 1 and a half weeks ago). We then went into the Pedis office and had a chat to him he is thinking that we should see the developmental specialist sooner rather then later because it could be something nueroloigical or it could be just something orthapedic so we need to get it cleared up. He did however say that if Bailey has one of many things he could have that it would only be mild (i started to worry when he said that) So we are seeing the developmental specilist in october.

Thursday was with early learning we did some sensory things like with san and finger paint. Bailey absolutly hated the sand he would only touch it with the spoon after awhile he did put his hand in but pulled it out again nearly straight away. He wasn't too sure about the fingerpaint too.

On Friday we had Hydrop therapy and Bailey is still absolutley loving it. The OT said he is either going to be a diver or a swimmer as he has no fear whatsoever and goes under multiple times. I raised the concerns with her about his score of 0 in his fine motor test at the hospital and his low attention span. She said she doesn't know how he could have scored 0 because he can pick stuff up and other things so we will see about that. Also she said he does have a low attention span but when he is focused on something he will concentrate. Also the hospital said yesterday that he know now when something is too hard for him and he is just not doing it.

His speech is really good at the moment he can sign finished and we are working on more he can say heaps of words mum,da,nan,bub,pop,nishnish (for finished while his signing it :P),ta, ta ta,this .His tantrums or meltdowns are good on some days and worse on others. He freaked out at Ryan's cake we had family up and he just lost it with all the noise and clung to me and cried.

Thomas is doing well he is getting better at nice play and I'm trying my best to spend some quality time with him. He has been complaining about a sore leg the past couple of days so i will keep an eye on that anyway best be off as Bailey is crying mumumumum!!!!

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