
A Busy Couple of weeks!

Hey everyone!!! Bailey has been ok we have been battling with bronchilitis (AGAIN) the last couple of days but i think we have passed the most dangerous days of it he was breathing pretty fast with it but me being the old pro I am could tell if he was getting into any major distress the dr told me to take him up to the hospital if he started breathing really really fast.

We had an OT appointment the other week and this time it was play gym. He did not like many of the things that she had there. He is now on whats called a sensory diet (No it's not a food diet like my husband thought:) It is when Bailey gets into that stage where he has absolutley no control over his emotions and not able to bring himself back down that i am to do these activities with him (did i mention he didn't like many of the things!!) These activities include pillow sandwhiches, Bouncing on a fit ball or trampoline, swinging in a hammock and singing and stuff. Bailey only liked one thing there and that was a saucer thing she had which he actually didn't like at first but when she put balls in it ( His new favourite toy) he was right.

It is hard to do these things with him because i am meant to do it before he has a meltdown because when he has one he is going to be harder to deal with then what he would be before but the thing is with Bailey there is not warnings before he has one its just instant so I'm trying my best but he is not liking the activities. He has also got his reflux back quite badly too and i wonder what this is from. His exzma ia absolutly horrendous and i can't get it under control i'm already using a steroid cream twice a day and a really intense moisterizer twice a day too but to no avail. It must really itch him especially on his back because when he has just a nappy on and you just rub his back he closes his eyes and nearly falls asleep even when he isnt tired. Poor little thing!

Thomas will be going to kindergarten next year and he will soon be having his pre-kinder sessions. They have changed how many days he will be going now and now he will be going 3 days a week instead of 2 (WOOHOO) Not that I will not miss him but it will be good to be able to focus all my attention on Bailey on those days and i will also be able to book appointments for then as well.

Ryan has been going ok speech therapy is working along nicely for him. He is still having trouble with some words and he doesn't sometimes get that s and h together are sh he just sounds them out as s he. He got into trouble the other day of my hubby for putting blu-tack in his hair ( I couldn't help but laugh a little bit lol)

Well I should go Bailey having a meltdown time for a sandwhich a pillow sandwhich that is !!!!

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