
Maniac Monday!!!

Well after i type this post out i will be a maniac trying to cook enough cupcakes for the rspca cupcake day. The day is actually meant to be today but we are having it tomorrow because Ryan has an exchursion today. It was all ryans idea actually the money goes to feeding all the hurt injured and waiting for adoption dogs cats bunnys horses and want not. Ryan seen the ad on TV and asked if he could do it ( I know I know his a real sweetheart) so who was I to deny him we have organised it with his school to sell the cupcakes at their recess and the prep class will be doing it all.

Speaking of Ryan we have had a trip to our emergency department. On Saturday he was complaining about a sore hip he couldn't walk on it and was huddled over in pain. I rang the after hours dr and a nurse answered the phone first and i told her that this had happened a couple of times in the last year but it usually went away with panadol. I thought it was just growing pains! Now this nurse made me feel like a really bad mum with what she said to me she told me that it was stupid that i hadnt got it checked out and that it could be numerous things and that it was NOT growing pains and she was going to call the dr. So got off the phone and nearly burst into tears. Then dr rang and told me to go up to the hospital because it needed to be investigated so off we went they gave him some stronger panadol and soon he was walking on it again. It took them 6 hours to see him because he was a catergory 5 which is the lowest priority and when i finally seen the dr he said that it could be juvonille arthiritis so he is to have an xray this week and then we will see our local gp to discuss results and he will give us a referral to see the orthapedic people. Grrr if its not one thing its another.

Bailey is still loving his hydro-pool lessons he just wants to constantly be moving and he is now putting his head under (not face) which is a major improvement. We had early learning down and Kathy said to me that Baileys hamstrings were tight and he wasn't aware of his surroundings when he was walking he will just go straight over the top of something so i should speak to his PT and see her well i have an appointment this week before his hydro pool appointment.

Thomas is doing OK i've been a bit worried about him lately i feel like his always left out and doesnt get enough attention so ive been trying to give him a bit more. He loves reading books and doing jigsaws and when Kathy came down she brought him a jigsaw to play with he had them done in about 10 minutes hehehe !!!

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