
Yet another weight loss!!!

The above picture was taken this morning i ask any of you out there who have seen sitting of this sort what it is wether it is associated with low tone or what??? Bailey had an appointment with the health nurse today he weighed 9.52kg a 20 gram loss in 3 weeks!!1 He grew 2cm at long last so he is now 79cm and his head circumference is 47.5cm ( a lot smaller then my other two boys who were around 50cm at about 6 months of age :P) I don't know why he hasn't put on any weight he eats sooooo much it isnt funny!! he has however cut out to two bottles a day on an odd occassion he will have 3 but its genrally 2 and those are only 180ml bottles!!!! He won't drink anything else and he cant suck out of a sippy cup! Any ideas ANYOne i would appreciate them. We have Early learning coming on Thursday as well as having AUSTAR installed YAY. It's my birthday tomorrow but i'm not really in the mood to enjoy it my uncle is in hospital at the moment in an induced coma and on a ventilator. He is a mechanic and he was servicing a cherry picker when he knocked his head and accidently knocked the buttons on the cherry picker which crushed his head. He has no brain swelling at the moment but these things can show up hours later. Please pray for him!!! Hydro therapy also starts on Friday and Hubby is coming to watch so that should be fun!!!


  1. That's very sad about your uncle I will pray for him.
    When Bailey drinks out of a sipper cup, does he have trouble only if it is a non spill one? Because my kids also have trouble with non spill ones as they have to suck quite a bit harder for anything to come out. so now I buy just cheap ones that aren't non spill but are alot easier for them. Not sure if thats your problem or not but just a thought?
    And Happy Birthday for tomorrow :)

  2. sorry took so long to reply Amie as you probably well know being a mum to 3 kids as well I've been flat out. I have taken the bits out of the sipper cup after i read your comment and he just near drowns himself in the juice or milk or whatevers in it and he doesn't quite grasp the concept that he has to tip it up either but oh well hopefully progress will be made soon. Hows Your beautiful little family going??? I have a friend who has twin boys and i think you do a great job too. Do you think that there is a stigma about being a young mum like everyone associates being a young mum as being single with no partner husban no house and gettign nowhere in life?? I have found this out a lot since i first got pregnant at 17. Anyway thanks for the birthday wishes and hope you have a great day as its sunny for once :P
