

Hey everyone well i Know Amie reads my blog so hello Amie xxx :) Bailey is doing heaps better although had the dr up yesterday cause he wanted to check him our again and he said he could now hear a few souns on his right lung so I have to keep an eye on that!!! I am now sick bur i can deal with it lol Ryan is the only one who managed to steer clear of this illness lucky thing. Thomas is being so naughty lately i don't know what to do with him I have given him timeouts in his room taken toys off him nothing phases him. Bailey is having more and more of these "tantrums" which he can not control himself in and its really stressing me out i can't wait till he finds new ways of dealing with it. The other day was a particulary day when i felt like i was about to meltdown it took Bailey after one of his meltdowns 3 hours to get back to himself!!! It wasn't nice especially since that was the same day Thomas had been really naughty as well. I will leave you here with a few pics of Bailey on the day he was his worst and on the next 2 days after

Can you guess which is which????

1 comment:

  1. hello :) I know what it's like to have one of those days and you're ready to have a meltdown lol From what I read I think you do a really good job as a mum, especially with all of the challenges you face with Bailey. I can't imagine what it would be like to have a baby born prematurely and how stressful it must be but it sounds like you do well. And your kids are beautiful. Three boys! Don't know how you do it I only have one boy and he's a handful!
