
The Dummys guide to being a successful blogger!!!

To be perfectley honest with you iI would not have a clue lol. I am A complete newbie to blogging and i haven't even figured out how to follow other posts yet. I don't even know if anyone is reading this or if I'm just talking to myself!!!

Anyway I am absolutley worn out i have had 6 kids here today!!! Remember i only have 3 the other two were my 2 nieces and nephew. I can honestley say that if i wasn't sure about having any more children i definatley am now.

Bailey has been pretty miserable today so i don't know if he is getting teeth or sick or what. Problem is i never really do know. Every time he gets sick its so sudden we end up in hospital. I have noticed today that he is when I'm supporting him standing on his tipy-toes on his left side he hasn't been doing this before now so I don't know whats up with that. He has also been extra cuddley today which i love because he usually isnt like that.

Well we also had another day of bad eating he has eaten 438calories today with only tea and another bottle before bed so it will be interesting to see what they say next health check. Anyway better go crying baby wants my attention :)


Vomit, Vomint and you guessed it more vomit!!!

Well let just say I'm sick of seeing the stuff!!!!! Last night Thomas vomited all in his bed i had to get my hubby Sam to clean it up. Don't get me wrong i can handle baby spew and all types of diarrhea and things but i can't handle adult or older kids spew and lets just say i didn't want there to be more spew then what there was to begin with!!!

Anyway i decided to write down what Bailey eats in a day to give everyone who is watching this blog an idea of what he eats-By the way I'm not seeing the dietitian till the 11Th May!!!! Which i am quite concerned about how much weight he will lose up till then anyway.

7:00am 150ml bottle or 5oz
7:15am Little vomit
9:00am 4 teaspoons of banana, pear and mango
9:30am Little vomit
11:45am 6 teaspoons banana pear and mango
12:15pm 150ml bottle or 5oz
12;45pm BIG vomit
1:00pm little vomit
1:20pm little vomit
3:45pm 150ml bottle or 5oz

So far he has had 356 calories for the day now he is meant to be having for his weight 985 as you can see with only one more bottle tonight and tea he is not going to get that in and i have tried putting upping the calories in his bottle one extra scoop so he is getting more in-he just won't drink the whole bottle!!!

So anyway it's going to be interesting to see if he loses weight again or if he continues to lose weight till we go to the dietitian. Actually I'm quite worried about this i would value anyone Else's opinion on the matter!!! I just don't want him losing drastic amounts before he goes to the dietitian.

I also wrote out a list today to take with me to the specialist who diagnoses cerebral palsy so i don't forget it. I'm one of those people who forgets everything as soon as i walk in a Dr's office lol unless of course I'm totally comfortable with them.


Phot of the day!!!

These are my 3 beautiful boys from left to right,
Thomas Bailey and Ryan



Weights every week or fortnight, or however often you get your premature bay or any baby weighed you are constantly worried if they have gained enough or too much!!! With my firstborn Ryan he weighed in at 7 pounds 4 ounces he was fairly active fairly quickly, rolling at 3 months, crawling at 5months and walking at 9 he weighed about 25 pound 2 ounces at 18 months and currently weighs39 pounds at 5 years old, He is also about 112cm tall.

Thomas on the other hand was my little porker lol. He weighed 7 pound 5 ounces and was born at 37 weeks!!! Can you imagine the size he would have been if he was on time!!!!. He weighed 20 pound 9 ounces at 6 months of age, I know he was a little chubber lol. He now weighs about the same as Ryan only about 10cm shorter. His weight does not bother me he has got hugeeeee hands so the health nurse thinks he is going to be very tall when he is older.(watch out rugby league in 14 years lol)

Bailey as you well kn ow was my premmie born at 29 weeks he weighed a tinyyy 2 pounds 14 ounce(although this is nothing compared to some other preemies). He weighed 4 pound 4 ounces when he came home. He has never been a big drinker i breastfed him with a nipple sheild till he was 5 months old and i wouuld of done even longer only my milk dried up due to all the stress of trips to hospital aand back. He is now on a formula called elecared the milk protein is already digested so he doesn't have to do it. Apparently thats what he has trouble with. He currently weighs at 10 and a half months 18 pound 8 ounces.

As for me, well lets just say we won't go into that lol.

So where am i going with all this weel as i mentioned yesterday Bailey seen the Health nurse today for his fortnightly weigh and length. He had gained nothing in 2 weeks he even lost 10grams i know it doesn't seem much but its a lot to me. For the past week he has only been having 3 bottles and 2/3 of a jar of baby food if im lucky. The health nurse said he should be getting way more then that and i explained that i find it really hard to get him to eat solids at all and she said that i shouldnt be giving him more bottles ( he wouldn't drink them anyway) because he needs to learn to eat and want solids so anyway weights are going to become a problem.

My speech therapist rang up today and said she has been trying to ring the dietitian up herself to say his case was a priority but she couldn't get through but she will keep on trying!!!

Anothing thing to mention Bailey had a seizure yesterday it lasted 4 minutes it was a tonic clonic one i rang my pead dr to tell him and ask him if i should take him up to hospital he was meant to ring back. He didn't so i didn't take him he came to about 10 minutes after it happened and was his normal self so i figured they would only want to see him if he is still really lethargic for ages.

It is soooo cute to see Thomas and Bailey playing together Bailey was doing his version of a laugh to Thomas when he was doing something funny. He also thought it was funny to pull thomas' hair Thomas however did not!
Bailey having some Bumbo time!!!


Speech Therapy!!!!

What a day! I am so tired got up this morning did my usual thing of trying to get Ryan dressed for school them all breakfast, then get the other two dressed for Bailey's speech therapy appointment all while Bailey was screaming lol. This is just the usual chaos of our house.

What happened in speech therapy oh yeah the speech therapist named Pip says that Bailey not being able to swallow and gagging and spurting out food at me and aspirating is all behavioural eating and he should get over it soon!!! She also told me that we need to see a dietitian as well because he is not nearly eating enough(3 180ml or 5oz bottles a day and 2/3 a jar of baby food) Bailey has food allergies well he is allergic to milk protein so i have to be very careful as to what i give him. She also told me that i had to stop when he has had enough!!!! Are you kidding me??? He would not have any solids at all only i force him to. She also doesn't think that this could be cerebral palsy related.
Bailey acted the little charmer for absolutely everyone smiling and gooing and gaaing. Pi
p actually said to me his a happy baby. I replied with you have him for 24 hrs and you would not think that. He is happy when he is with me and the3 times out of 10 he'd be more then happy to lay on the floor and play with his toys. I don't want to be one of those people who only focuses on the bad stuff. Another bad night of sleep as well he is just refusing to sleep and his not hungry i'll try to give him a bottle but he will refuse it.
We went shopping after i got Bailey some new clothes and Ryan and Thomas a surfboard each. Ryan also needed some new swimmers he has his school swimming carnival soon and the old ones were getting a tad too tight! Thomas also got some puzzles something he is really into at the moment and something that Bailey would love to be into too lol he thinks its quite funny to roll over to where Thomas is and steal the bits!
Tomorrow i have an appointment with the Health nurse luckily she comes to my house so i won't have to go anywhere. Oh and Bailey had diarrhoea last night don't know if his getting a bug or teething we will see.


It's a start!!!

Hey well everyone i suppose, I wanted to start this blog mainly for my premature baby Bailey and also for my two older boys as well. I'm new to this so give me a break if i muck up lol. Bailey was born at 29weeks gestation, i did go into threatened premature labour with him at 25 weeks but they managed to stop it. My waters broke 4 weeks later. I went straight up to hospital to be told i would be staying there until i had him. I also had gestational diabeties that i could not control. Two days later i woke up feeling like crap. My stomach hurt and i just felt horrible. I was starting to get an infection they told me i had to be induced and now so i had to have three drips put in one for insulin infusion one for antibiodics and one for syntocin. Bailey was born at 12:08am after a 12 hour labour naturally. He weighed 2 pound 14 ounces he even let out a little cry which made me sooooo happy. Two hours later i got wheeled down to see him. It was love at first sight and he was sooo tiny. This whole world that was Nicu would be my life for the next couple of months, before this i didn't even know it existed my other two boys where full term. Bailey was on the ventilator for 1 day!!! Which is pretty damn good then CPAP for a day then nothing. He had 3 blood transfusions about 5 nasty infections and had to go back on CPAP after his first blood transfusion. He was in a humid crib till 1 week before he came home and came home at 35 weeks gestation weighing 1.9 kilos!!!

Well it didn't end there and im sure all the premmie parents out there would agree with me Bailey has been admitted to hospital about 12 times since he was born. First time was for a blood transfusion 2nd was when he stopped breathing on me and i had to do CPR on him which was pretty scary. He has also been admitted for bad reflux and bronchilitis numbers of times.

Bailey has some issues at the moment he is 10 months old and has only just started rolling and he is stiff in his arms, has swallowing difficulties, has seizures, is very irritable and a barage of other things. We are currently being assessed to see if he has cerebral palsy.

I just thought it might be good to let other premmie mums out there that your not alone and we are all here for you plus i needed to vent lol.

Bailey is a mummys boy and absolutley loves his two older brothers, Ryan 5 and Thomas 3 and although all this has happened i would not change having him for the world he is my little ray of sunshine. :)

Anyway i hope i get at least a few readers lol Bye till tomorrow xxx