
Vomit, Vomint and you guessed it more vomit!!!

Well let just say I'm sick of seeing the stuff!!!!! Last night Thomas vomited all in his bed i had to get my hubby Sam to clean it up. Don't get me wrong i can handle baby spew and all types of diarrhea and things but i can't handle adult or older kids spew and lets just say i didn't want there to be more spew then what there was to begin with!!!

Anyway i decided to write down what Bailey eats in a day to give everyone who is watching this blog an idea of what he eats-By the way I'm not seeing the dietitian till the 11Th May!!!! Which i am quite concerned about how much weight he will lose up till then anyway.

7:00am 150ml bottle or 5oz
7:15am Little vomit
9:00am 4 teaspoons of banana, pear and mango
9:30am Little vomit
11:45am 6 teaspoons banana pear and mango
12:15pm 150ml bottle or 5oz
12;45pm BIG vomit
1:00pm little vomit
1:20pm little vomit
3:45pm 150ml bottle or 5oz

So far he has had 356 calories for the day now he is meant to be having for his weight 985 as you can see with only one more bottle tonight and tea he is not going to get that in and i have tried putting upping the calories in his bottle one extra scoop so he is getting more in-he just won't drink the whole bottle!!!

So anyway it's going to be interesting to see if he loses weight again or if he continues to lose weight till we go to the dietitian. Actually I'm quite worried about this i would value anyone Else's opinion on the matter!!! I just don't want him losing drastic amounts before he goes to the dietitian.

I also wrote out a list today to take with me to the specialist who diagnoses cerebral palsy so i don't forget it. I'm one of those people who forgets everything as soon as i walk in a Dr's office lol unless of course I'm totally comfortable with them.

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