
It's a start!!!

Hey well everyone i suppose, I wanted to start this blog mainly for my premature baby Bailey and also for my two older boys as well. I'm new to this so give me a break if i muck up lol. Bailey was born at 29weeks gestation, i did go into threatened premature labour with him at 25 weeks but they managed to stop it. My waters broke 4 weeks later. I went straight up to hospital to be told i would be staying there until i had him. I also had gestational diabeties that i could not control. Two days later i woke up feeling like crap. My stomach hurt and i just felt horrible. I was starting to get an infection they told me i had to be induced and now so i had to have three drips put in one for insulin infusion one for antibiodics and one for syntocin. Bailey was born at 12:08am after a 12 hour labour naturally. He weighed 2 pound 14 ounces he even let out a little cry which made me sooooo happy. Two hours later i got wheeled down to see him. It was love at first sight and he was sooo tiny. This whole world that was Nicu would be my life for the next couple of months, before this i didn't even know it existed my other two boys where full term. Bailey was on the ventilator for 1 day!!! Which is pretty damn good then CPAP for a day then nothing. He had 3 blood transfusions about 5 nasty infections and had to go back on CPAP after his first blood transfusion. He was in a humid crib till 1 week before he came home and came home at 35 weeks gestation weighing 1.9 kilos!!!

Well it didn't end there and im sure all the premmie parents out there would agree with me Bailey has been admitted to hospital about 12 times since he was born. First time was for a blood transfusion 2nd was when he stopped breathing on me and i had to do CPR on him which was pretty scary. He has also been admitted for bad reflux and bronchilitis numbers of times.

Bailey has some issues at the moment he is 10 months old and has only just started rolling and he is stiff in his arms, has swallowing difficulties, has seizures, is very irritable and a barage of other things. We are currently being assessed to see if he has cerebral palsy.

I just thought it might be good to let other premmie mums out there that your not alone and we are all here for you plus i needed to vent lol.

Bailey is a mummys boy and absolutley loves his two older brothers, Ryan 5 and Thomas 3 and although all this has happened i would not change having him for the world he is my little ray of sunshine. :)

Anyway i hope i get at least a few readers lol Bye till tomorrow xxx

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