
Speech Therapy!!!!

What a day! I am so tired got up this morning did my usual thing of trying to get Ryan dressed for school them all breakfast, then get the other two dressed for Bailey's speech therapy appointment all while Bailey was screaming lol. This is just the usual chaos of our house.

What happened in speech therapy oh yeah the speech therapist named Pip says that Bailey not being able to swallow and gagging and spurting out food at me and aspirating is all behavioural eating and he should get over it soon!!! She also told me that we need to see a dietitian as well because he is not nearly eating enough(3 180ml or 5oz bottles a day and 2/3 a jar of baby food) Bailey has food allergies well he is allergic to milk protein so i have to be very careful as to what i give him. She also told me that i had to stop when he has had enough!!!! Are you kidding me??? He would not have any solids at all only i force him to. She also doesn't think that this could be cerebral palsy related.
Bailey acted the little charmer for absolutely everyone smiling and gooing and gaaing. Pi
p actually said to me his a happy baby. I replied with you have him for 24 hrs and you would not think that. He is happy when he is with me and the3 times out of 10 he'd be more then happy to lay on the floor and play with his toys. I don't want to be one of those people who only focuses on the bad stuff. Another bad night of sleep as well he is just refusing to sleep and his not hungry i'll try to give him a bottle but he will refuse it.
We went shopping after i got Bailey some new clothes and Ryan and Thomas a surfboard each. Ryan also needed some new swimmers he has his school swimming carnival soon and the old ones were getting a tad too tight! Thomas also got some puzzles something he is really into at the moment and something that Bailey would love to be into too lol he thinks its quite funny to roll over to where Thomas is and steal the bits!
Tomorrow i have an appointment with the Health nurse luckily she comes to my house so i won't have to go anywhere. Oh and Bailey had diarrhoea last night don't know if his getting a bug or teething we will see.

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