

Weights every week or fortnight, or however often you get your premature bay or any baby weighed you are constantly worried if they have gained enough or too much!!! With my firstborn Ryan he weighed in at 7 pounds 4 ounces he was fairly active fairly quickly, rolling at 3 months, crawling at 5months and walking at 9 he weighed about 25 pound 2 ounces at 18 months and currently weighs39 pounds at 5 years old, He is also about 112cm tall.

Thomas on the other hand was my little porker lol. He weighed 7 pound 5 ounces and was born at 37 weeks!!! Can you imagine the size he would have been if he was on time!!!!. He weighed 20 pound 9 ounces at 6 months of age, I know he was a little chubber lol. He now weighs about the same as Ryan only about 10cm shorter. His weight does not bother me he has got hugeeeee hands so the health nurse thinks he is going to be very tall when he is older.(watch out rugby league in 14 years lol)

Bailey as you well kn ow was my premmie born at 29 weeks he weighed a tinyyy 2 pounds 14 ounce(although this is nothing compared to some other preemies). He weighed 4 pound 4 ounces when he came home. He has never been a big drinker i breastfed him with a nipple sheild till he was 5 months old and i wouuld of done even longer only my milk dried up due to all the stress of trips to hospital aand back. He is now on a formula called elecared the milk protein is already digested so he doesn't have to do it. Apparently thats what he has trouble with. He currently weighs at 10 and a half months 18 pound 8 ounces.

As for me, well lets just say we won't go into that lol.

So where am i going with all this weel as i mentioned yesterday Bailey seen the Health nurse today for his fortnightly weigh and length. He had gained nothing in 2 weeks he even lost 10grams i know it doesn't seem much but its a lot to me. For the past week he has only been having 3 bottles and 2/3 of a jar of baby food if im lucky. The health nurse said he should be getting way more then that and i explained that i find it really hard to get him to eat solids at all and she said that i shouldnt be giving him more bottles ( he wouldn't drink them anyway) because he needs to learn to eat and want solids so anyway weights are going to become a problem.

My speech therapist rang up today and said she has been trying to ring the dietitian up herself to say his case was a priority but she couldn't get through but she will keep on trying!!!

Anothing thing to mention Bailey had a seizure yesterday it lasted 4 minutes it was a tonic clonic one i rang my pead dr to tell him and ask him if i should take him up to hospital he was meant to ring back. He didn't so i didn't take him he came to about 10 minutes after it happened and was his normal self so i figured they would only want to see him if he is still really lethargic for ages.

It is soooo cute to see Thomas and Bailey playing together Bailey was doing his version of a laugh to Thomas when he was doing something funny. He also thought it was funny to pull thomas' hair Thomas however did not!
Bailey having some Bumbo time!!!

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