
Easter and Baileys progress!!!

Well Easter was great fun Bailey got his first taste of chocolate and the other two boys just looovvvveeeddd the Easter egg hunt and the big bunny feet that the Easter bunny left!!! The boys got more chocolate then they can probably handle and i fear we will be eating chocolate for the next month.

On Friday the !0th April we went to a park with all the boys and had some fish and chips. I bit the bullet and decided to give Bailey some chips, ends bitten off of course, he loved them!!! He is so much better with finger foods then me feeding him and he has gotten much better with eating too. Problem is he only likes certain foods, little fusspot, and refuses anything else! He loves mashed banana ands will quite happily eat a full banana. He also likes mashed veggies and will eat quite a lot of that as well. He doesn't however like apples, mango, blueberries or pumpkin.

On Thursday 9th April we had an appointment with my private pedi to discuss the EEG that didn't happen. He said to not worry about Bailey not eating very much because some babies refuse to eat until they are 12 months old. He also explained the sedated EEG to me and said he will be in the pediatric ward early in the morning and his appointment is at 1:00pm and he will be monitored and he can go home as soon as he wakes up he also said he would be getting a drip put in for the medicine to go through. He was very happy that Bailey was crawling even though he is still falling over to the left hand side quite a bit.

When i got home the hospital rang me to let me know i had an appointment on the 22nd April and i had to be in the pediatric ward at 11am when they would knock him out with ORAL medication now I'm just a little bit worried about this as Bailey is not very good with taking oral medication and i told the nurse this and she said that they had ways around that. If the oral stuff doesn't knock him out enough he will have a drip put in and heavier sedation. So fingers crossed that the minimal sedation will work. Bailey has already probably had more drips then me!!!

Oh and Bailey has just got his first two teeth finally lol!!! He is also sitting supporting himself with his arm(his right one) he is continually amazing me with his steely determination to do things. My parents have two steps in their house to get from one part of the house to the other and he was trying his utmost best to get up there while he can crawl he is nowhere near trying to pull himself up yet. While i was up at my parents house i made Baileys 1st birthday invitations now all i have to do is print them out!! He will be 1 in 4 weeks and it's amazing to see just how far he has come.

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