
Sorry Sorry Sorry!!!

Sorry to anyone who has been reading this, If there is anyone lol, I have been so busy the last week and a half and haven't had time to get on to do another blog.

Last week was soooooo packed with apoointment after appointment. On Tuesday I had well Bailey had Physio and occupational therapy. He screamed the whole time he was there and was not cooperating at all. If they even so much as looked at him he would scream which made their job very very hard. I asked them if they thought he had cerebral palsy and they said that he does show some signs of it. They were quite happy with his gross motor skills. Not so much with fine he is still very stiff in his elbow and shoulder joint he does have the range there but he doesn't like moving it for some reason. The occupational therapist said that i had to go back in 3 weeks so she could do some arm measurements, Don't know what for???, and that she may even splint his arm next time. This whole time we were talking he was screaming and i mean screaming he litrally was sobbing. As soon as we got out in the car he stopped and went to sleep!!!

On Wednesday we had 2 appointments one with Early Learning and one with the NICU team which is a follow-up 8 month corrected appointment. Early Learning came to my house which was really good cause its starting to get really cold here. There was two women this time because the one who usually is the one who is in charge of the premmie playgroup is handing me or Bailey over to another one who is in charge of a playgroup that is for babys with disabilities or learning difficulties(whoa that last sentence confused me lol). It was really good actually they focused on the things he was doing rather then the things he wasn't which not many people do. He even got up on hands and knees and crawled 2 crawls!!!! Woo Hoo Bailey. They agree he does have the weakness on his left side . When they were trying to get him from lying to sitting he wasn't putting his left hand above his head like he is supposed to. They were great with Thomas as well the new Woman that i will be having was playing with him and he loved it lol. I have another appointment with her in two weeks.
The Nicu appointment was good as well they have the same concerns that my other private pead has that he is slightly stiffer on the left side then the right but that my private pead is doing everything right. Oh and they said something about going off his elecare im not sure why he isnt eating much still. He lost another 200grams in a week so it will be interesting to see what he weighs tomorrow at his health nurse check.

On Thursday he had hiss eeg appointment. Well lets just say it didn't go very well. They couldn't get a trace because Bailey was not having a bar of having all these wires on his head and he screamed and hyperextended and they couldn't do it. So now he has to have it done again sometime this month under sedation!!! Now I'm totally freaked out I just don't know if they will montier him, How they will give it to him because he can't take anything orally and what will happen if something else happens lol. I know i might sound paranoid but oh well. I also am meant to be seeing my private pead this week to discuss his eeg and how much medication to give him for his seizures but how are we going to do that if there are no eeg results. I figure i should go anyway because there are questions i want to ask him about the sedation and seizures anyway.

Then on Friday we had Ryan's swimming carnival so off we went to that he did very well and came 2nd in one race. We also got his report card it had on it that he wrries if him makes a mistake i told his teacher that he is like this at home as well and i tell him if he tries his best that is all that matters.

I spent the weekend relaxing well as much as a mother of 3 can relax!!!

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