
Good News...... Not So Good News!!!!

Well for once I'd like to start of with a positive so I'm going to start with the good news!!! Yesterday Bailey was weighed and he had put on 13o grams in a fortnight and he grew a cm he is now 8.5kilo and 76cm long. He has also surprised me by starting to crawl mind you he falls over an awful lot so don't know if it's to do with the weakness down his left side but it's a start and his steely determination has me bursting with pride.

Now for the bad news Bailey is sick well he has a fever and has lost his voice and did not sleep well last night. He hasn't eaten any solids at all for 3 days now. I had the dr up for him yesterday and he said first off that one of his tonsils was 3 times bigger then the other one! He then proceded to the couch looking very worried. I asked what it could be and he said well it could be the start of tonsilitis but its weird. Then he said I'll another look the second time he had a look he said oh no it's just slightly bigger and said that i had to keep an eye on wether he starte dto get fevers or not which i already knew. Sometimes i wonder if he changed his mind so that i would not worry so much :)

We have got another appointment today so i will tell anyone what happens on my next blog :-)

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