
Saving Lives

Well we did have a pretty good weekend. Thomas was pain-free and Bailey just had a minor cold. Then last night it all started Bailey's chest hast started rattling and Thomas woke up in excruciating pain (poor lil Ryan his always so good and tries to help out). So the Dr will be coming up today to check both of them out. Thomas was doing fine with his pain before not even waking during the night to need any pain relief now he has woken up twice before it is due crying for it so I'm a little bit worried .

To top it off Bailey decided today was the day to get the gastro that is going around and vomiting his bottles and having diarrhoea. Blah I don't think we have just one week when one of us is not sick. My hubby used to say we should just rent out a room at the hospital hehe.

On a fresher note I don't think I have ever told you about my little hero Ryan. 2 weeks after bringing Bailey home I breastfed him and put him down to sleep to go and express to build my supply up. I forgot to turn on his apnea monitor ( which i have never done again). While I was expressing Ryan came out to me and said "Bailey is blue and has bubbles coming from his mouth" !!!!!! I thought SHIT and ran into the bedroom with one of my bra cup still down squirting milk everywhere and found Bailey blue, bubbles coming out of his mouth, limp and not breathing. I had no time to even think and thank god i went into that parent survival mode. I picked him up cleared his airway and started CPR on him after about the first set he took a big gulp of air in and started coughing I was by myself so I didn't have anyone to ring the ambulance so after i put him over my arm I rang the ambulance and at that point I started crying. I managed to tell the operator what happened and the ambulance got there 20 minutes late Bailey was still blue when they came but he was breathing nothing has scared me so much in my life it is a mothers worst fear to have to perform CPR on your child but there was not a moments hesitation I was purely on Adrenalin. I thank each and every day for all my Boys and I am sooo proud of Ryan for saving his little brothers life . I hate to know what would of happened if i had of got to him any later.

Well best be off Bailey has vomited AGAIN bye

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