
Biting off more than you can chew!!!!

Well yesterday was action packed Ryan ha been up the night before vomiting from his asthma and i had four people in our queen size bed needless to say that i did not get much sleep which is nothing new these days Bailey is still refusing to sleep of a night time.

I thought i would also give you an update on Baileys eating. He is eating great now well lets just say its a lot better then it was!! He will eat a whole banana if he is in the mood. He also loves finger foods. I still can't go anywhere near him with lumpy foods but we will work on that and he still heavily relies on his bottles as well. If i did not feed him at breakfast lunch and tea you wouldn't even think he was hungry.

Anyway yesterday Bailey decided to give me two big frights! I decided to give him a banana to eat by himself while i was watching of course and he decided that his mouth was big enough to fit half of it in! Well of course he started to choke and this resulted in me giving him sharp blows to his back to dislodge the banana. Then last night he had raw apple which he just loves chewing on mostly but he decided he would finally start using his two little pearly whites choked again and another blow on the back and it was out!

I have also noticed since yesterday that when Bailey is crawling he is throwing his left leg out weird so I will have to asked the OT and PT about that when i go there next.

Bailey got weighed on Tuesday he is now 8.7 kilos or19 pound 3 ounces and still 76cm long. It's amazing how much you can gain when you eat properly! Thomas also had his 3 and a half year check he weighed wait for it 19.5 kilos or 42 pounds and he was 99.5cm tall! I asked the nurse if I should be concerned about his weight and she said that I shouldn't he has got huge hands and he is just going to be a very big boy when he is older. She also said he is just stocky not fat. She was also quite impressed with his intelligence. They do this eye test from 3 metres looking into a mirror and they stand behind them and say look in the mirror and tell me where that letter is well Thomas was flying through them and then she got to the letter O and he said that's O and it's here! Letter T and that's there!!!! Well they are 2 letters in his name so lol.

Ryan really probably should have gone to school yesterday. OK OK he was sick the night before but he had perked up by morning and was fighting with Thomas so maybe I need to be a bit more strict with him. I asked him what he had for me for Mothers day and he said awwww it's a secret and smiled. I just had to laugh!

I was thinking about NICU last night and thinking about all the things Bailey had been through and where he is today I'm so proud of him and what he has achieved (I'm proud of all of my boys) and I cant believe in just two weeks he will be one at exactly 12:08am on 15th May.

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