
Tired and very nervous!!!

I have had a pretty blown out week as you know last week Bailey was vomiting. Well it did not stop till yesterday and I was seriously becoming worried about dehydration. It was very weird because it was more at the end of the day and it smelt so acidy! Actually i was quite unsure as to wether it was a gastro or his reflux coming back ten fold. Poor little guy vomited and vomited until he was retching up nothing. But he is better today after a stern word from mummy telling him she will be angry if he has to go into hospital for dehydration and miss out on his very important appointment tommorrow!

Which brings me onto my next topic D-day is nearly here tommorrow we will find out if the specialist thinks that Bailey definatley has cerebral palsy or not. If he says yes then we will go down the route of MRIs. I'm so nervous and just can't wait for it to be all over and done with.

We had a [pedi appointment on Thursday and i raised a few concerns I had with Bailey. he was very crackly at home on the chest and has a cold but his chest sounded clear. Also he had developed petachiae again on his neck and back. This keeps coming and going and may need to be further investigated. But great news his EEG came back showing nothing abnormal. He hasn't had a seizure for 3 weeks and even then it was only a 30 second one.

When I went to OT and PT planning meeting the other week I got a rundown of what they really thought and i think i share a bit with you well i have the paper in frount of me so i thought i would tell you from that.

Learning and Apllying Knowledge: Bailey has decreased attention skills for his age. He presents with increased tactile sensitivity within his upper limbs and can become easily agitated. This is improving slowly.

Communication: Bailey is verbalizing more often and Amy reports he has begun saying "mum" "dad" "Bub" and "Ah Ah"

Mobility:Bailey presents with generally age appropriate gross motor skills for his corrected age. He has recently begun crawling, however occasionally flexes his left arm, indicating a weakness on this side. Bailey was also having difficulty transitioning over his left side, however this has improved and he now transitions over both sides equally. In recent review it was noted that Bailey was crossing his legs in an extended position which may indicate some increased tone in his adductor muscles. However , now that he is crawling, Amy has noticed that his knees often move out to the side. This shows that any increased tone in his adductor muscles is not affecting his function and may be reducing. Bailey has recently began pulling to stand on occasion. He was noted to use his left leg during the planning meeting a good indication he is not favouring that side. In supported standing Bailey will occasionally rise up on either left or right toes, but often inverts his left foot. This positioning will need to be monitored to ensure he does not develop tightness in the left ankle and to ensure correct support is given if necessary.

Bailey has full passive range of movement within both upper limbs however experiences dynamic tone and tremor on effort. this currently impacts on his ability to accurately reach for toys against gravity and manipulate them with both hands at midline. He has developed voluntary Palmer grasp th both hands and is showing voluntary release skills transitioning objects between hands.

Self care: Bailey is fully dependent for most self care activities at this time including dressing bathing and toileting. Amy reports he has begun finger feeding using 2 hands and can hold his bottle to his mouth in mid line. Though some difficulty with bringing his bottle back to midline should he drop it to one side was reported.

Major life areas: Bailey attends ECIS on a regular basis. He is performing most play tasks at a 6-9 month age level which corresponds with his corrected age. Bailey actively seeks out toys and explores with them with both his hands and mouth. Bailey's play is primarily at a sensory level.

So that's it a big summary which should give you some reading we will find out tomorrow if all this means anything for the future of Bailey. I will keep you updated.

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