
We Have A DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thomas left Ryan Right a rare moment in this house no fighting:P

Sorry to emphasise the !!!!! on this title but I have been waiting sooooo unbelievably long for this! So get ready for it -the big news I mean- Thomas has finally got a date for his operation!!! I am soooo happy but a lil scared too. For those of you that don't know Thomas will be having his tonsils and adenoids out and he will also be having grommets put in his ears. Each thing will take about 15 minutes each. I'm going to be soooo nervous waiting. When Ryan had his surgery to put pins in his broken elbow-a playground accident- it only took 30 minutes and i was in a state of panic lol so I am not quite sure how i will do this time. We are going to be staying in overnight. Now for the even bigger news the surgery date is.......................13th May............ next week a can't believe it. I also can't believe however that of all the appointments Bailey has we managed to steer clear of any appointments he may have.

Now there is one lil thing I am also worried about. Thomas op is 13th May as you just read with the overnight stay thats the 14th May we should be coming home. That's if he wants to eat properly and stuff. Big delima is Baileys 1st birthday is on the 15th May so I'm really hoping he pulls through ok and can go home the next day.

Bailey is doing well apart from not sleeping well lol. He is crawling like a champ but still throwing his legs out especially his left-p.s if anyone knows anything about this behaviour let me know- he also is pulling himself up, but not to his legs on his knees. Now I don't know if this is a weakness related thing or if it's just him-again any advice would be great-. He is eating more and more each day he loves feeding himself and has a fighting match whenever someone else tries to feed him.

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