

Hey everyone well i Know Amie reads my blog so hello Amie xxx :) Bailey is doing heaps better although had the dr up yesterday cause he wanted to check him our again and he said he could now hear a few souns on his right lung so I have to keep an eye on that!!! I am now sick bur i can deal with it lol Ryan is the only one who managed to steer clear of this illness lucky thing. Thomas is being so naughty lately i don't know what to do with him I have given him timeouts in his room taken toys off him nothing phases him. Bailey is having more and more of these "tantrums" which he can not control himself in and its really stressing me out i can't wait till he finds new ways of dealing with it. The other day was a particulary day when i felt like i was about to meltdown it took Bailey after one of his meltdowns 3 hours to get back to himself!!! It wasn't nice especially since that was the same day Thomas had been really naughty as well. I will leave you here with a few pics of Bailey on the day he was his worst and on the next 2 days after

Can you guess which is which????


Sorry about the short post yesterday!!!

Well I'm absolutly exhausted i havent had any sleep for the last 3 nights and Bailey has me all day which might sound like it's a good thing resting the why does it take so much out of you anyway if anyone out there was praying for him yours and my prayers were answered today Baileys pnemonia is nearly completley gone =) He is on tami-flu and antibiodics the Dr said we have just caught it before the going to hospital stage so we are very lucky!!! Now Thomas has a chest infection!!!! I swear its never ending maybe i should go to uni and become a dr lol at least i would be able to treat my kids myself lol. When Bailey was first born and when he came home and was in and out of hospital(actually the whole of my pregnancy with Bailey) Sam( Hubby) used to joke we need to hire out a room up there. Speaking of sam he is a glazier 9fixes windows and doors and stuff) and today the poor thing is out in the pouring rain fixing a broken window next thing i know HE will have pnemonia!!!!!


A long hard day or week!!!!

Well i dont have much time to write this Bailey has pnemonia and possibly swine flu he is one sick little boy please pray he gets better ;(


The Good News and The Bad!!!!

I'm just going to say the bad news first so i can get it over with! Bailey had an appointment with Occupational Therapy today and he received a diagnosis of sorts he has sensory proccessing disorder which means he is overly sensitive to touch and has trouble regulating his emotions and can't bring himself back to that normal level which any other person child or infant can! The good news is that we can try and find ways in to help him deal with them better. We are starting with the hydro therapy pool every week for 6 weeks then depending on wether he tolerates it or not moving onto the Gym for another 6 weeks so i am going to be one busy mummy for awhile with all the lessons and early learning and Baileys checkups with peads and so forth i just feel like I'm neglecting the other kids a bit all this stuff with Bailey makes it hard to spend any time with Ryan for his speech therapy and just plain time for thomas to just read to him or cook. This has turned into a bit of a rant hasn't it I'm sorry just feeling a tad down! I went and brought Bailey some bathers because he doesnt have any being winter here and everything got some for myself as well and Ryan needed new shoes and both of the older boys needed slippers. I finally found some shoes for Bailey that had all of the requirements that the physio wanted they are called i-walk and they are great worth the $65 for sure!



I thought this photo was just too cute
Tommy asleep on the couch i dont know if ive put this up so excuse if i have lol

Asthma, Speech therapy and Physio!!!

Ok ok the titile of this post the first two parts are to do with Ryan last one Bailey. Ryan was not very well this week on Tuesday he came home from school and he looked terrible! Then his temp started going up at one point it was 39.8 degrees! So i rang my GP who told me he would be up later that afternoon ( The guy does home visits gotta love him :)) After the phone call Ryan started having an asthma attack he started coughing to the point where he couldn't get a breath in then started vomiting! A 2.5mg nebule seemed to do a lot He was still coughing but nowhere near as much and he wasn't vomiting. GP came up and as soon as he seen him he said It looks like he has pnemonia I said oh crap! But when he checked his lungs they were clear andeverything else was fine he said he wanted to see him tomorrow because he looked so unwell and he was he was all floppy and hot and terrible. GP was hoping it was a virus. Well turns out my GP was right next day apart from coughing Ryan was nearly back to his normal self when the GP came in he said it was like looking at a different child and apparently the 3 kids over the road from us have the same thing today!

On to Ryan's speechtherapy he makes me sooo sad sometimes with the problems he has. He is learning ch and j words and he was doing ok i was trying to get him to say the words really pronouncing the ch and he came to stretching and he couldn't say it i felt sooo upset and then he started crying and said mummy i can't say it :( then i nearly cried what he muct go through at school because he can;'t be understood it near breaks my heart. Today he gets his school report so we will see how he is going!

Bailey's Physio appointment went alright BAILEY IS WALKING well his walking 5 steps at a time before falling over. She did have some concerns with his feet though he is scrunching his toes in and standing on tipytoes still and when she checked his feet she said he had low tone in his ankles and you know how ive been saying about his sitting low trunk tone so solution heaps of practising squatting because he just sits down to get something if he is standing. And hard soled shoes they have to be straight at the sole have good ankle support and no arch and they have to be in his tiny foot size 3 lol I tried several stores and couldnt find any all shoes that little are soft soled so having some trouble any suggestions would be great.

Thomas is being his normal boistourous self and he wants a cupcake maker for his birthday apparently. This cupcake maker is a girl gourmet thing so its generally for girls but what can i say the little guy loves to cook i swear he is going to be a chef when he is older!


To Hospital and Back!!!

Hi all sorry about the lack of blogging Bailey decided that he would like to have a little visit to the hospital. Wednesday he started coughing and i thought OH NO BRONCHILITIS but i also thought well his a big boy now so he should be able to handle it I was wrong!!! Thursday he started having a lil trouble breathing then i went to my other son Ryan's assembley and after that he was bad you could see a trichial tug and some good recession( arn't i an expert at all these names!!!) :P so I called an ambulance and they came and got him his sats where at 94 and his heart rate was 154!!! so they whipped some oxygen on him and he was a bit better and the whole way up he slept Bailey is a sticky-beak so this was really unusual! Got up to Hospital they said that he does have bronchilitis although his breathing had settled down and as long as he was getting 500ml of milk in he would be ok they also said that he is not to get the gastrp that is going around as he would probably end up in hospital because he is already not drinking much> Now lets pray he doesnt my dad has had it and so have two of my sisters :(


Look At me!!!

Mr clever Pants standing all by himself mind you i only just caught this photo before he fell :)

It is soooo cold in tassie. Brrrrr so cold in fact we are going through about $8 worth of power a day!!!!! We have all the heaters turned on im seriously thinking we should get some batts. Well we had another trip up to the hospital last night not for Baile this time but for none other then myself i felt really really sick yesterday had temps of 38.9 degrees and felt like i was going to vomit had a huge headache and was aching in my pelvis by the time hubby got home i couldnt get into the drs. In fact i could hardley get out of bed. So we went up and the said I have influenza and gave me a bag of fluids to rehydrate me because i was dehydrated. Now I just hope my other men don't get it. Feel a bit better today though.

Bailey took 6 steps tonight 6 very hard steps he was wobbling all over the place but he did it. I'm actually having real trouble with him eating non-food items like wood that he gets from goodness knows where!!! and bits of plastic I swear my house is clean!!!! But this kid can find anything and you know when his got something in his mouth because he won't open it. I'm just a bit afraid of him continuing to do this and eating something that will hurt him.

On a sadder note Ryan came home today and said that two of his classmates had been laughing at him because he couldn't speak properly :( it broke my heart the boy lil guy. I told him to tell the teacher if the do it again and that he shouldn't worry about what they say because he can speak fine he just needs a little bit of help which he is starting soon.But Honestley who could tease a face like this!!!

You may ask why i haven't got any photo's of Thomas well all the photos of him he is always naked or half nake :) and i don't think he will thank me if I have photos on the internet of him showing his parts when he is a teenager hehehe!


Sleeping like a baby (or not)!

Bailey who has been put in his toybox by his brother!!!

This is how i found him one day when i had been blogging i came out to find him like this!

Well sorry for not blogging lately I just havent had the time. Bailey is getting such a handful what with that and Ryan going to schooleveryday and Thomas needing my full attention when Ryan is at school because his bored well you get the drift.

Bailey is doing pretty good! He has moved on to nuttelex, chicken, lamb and we have to start swede today! He also gained 130 grams in a fortnight thank god i was really worried about his weight gain! We have also started giving him his losec again apparently his throat is red raw and he doesnt have tonsilitis so the Dr can only assume it's from his reflux so bring on the 10mg losec. He has been putting his fingers down his throat when he is eating so i'm not quite sure if thats to do with his reflux i'm 90% sure actually.

Bailey development stands at this he has finally learnt how to clap hands but only when prompted (I have to hold his arms) He is still not waving goodbye. The hand tremors are back only when he is trying to feed himself and he drops his food a lot. He is crawling like a greyhound seriously I haven't seen a baby crawl as fast as he does but on the other hand he has started to drag the left leg a lot. He has also began sitting on his tailbone I'm not sure what that means. He can stand by himself(that's right folks) for 5 secs with a big goofy grin on his face and to my complete and utter surprise took 3 steps last night to his daddy!!! He has major problems with balance but his getting there and his trying which is what counts!

Sleeping is another issue. He is just not that into sleeping he has 1 day sleep lasting from anywhere between 1 hour and 2 hours and goes to bed at 8:30pmand wakes at anywhere between 4:00am and 5:00am. Lucky for me I have a great husband who every second day gets out with him so i can have a little bit of a sleep in. I will leave you with some recent pics of my baby boy!!!