
Sleeping like a baby (or not)!

Bailey who has been put in his toybox by his brother!!!

This is how i found him one day when i had been blogging i came out to find him like this!

Well sorry for not blogging lately I just havent had the time. Bailey is getting such a handful what with that and Ryan going to schooleveryday and Thomas needing my full attention when Ryan is at school because his bored well you get the drift.

Bailey is doing pretty good! He has moved on to nuttelex, chicken, lamb and we have to start swede today! He also gained 130 grams in a fortnight thank god i was really worried about his weight gain! We have also started giving him his losec again apparently his throat is red raw and he doesnt have tonsilitis so the Dr can only assume it's from his reflux so bring on the 10mg losec. He has been putting his fingers down his throat when he is eating so i'm not quite sure if thats to do with his reflux i'm 90% sure actually.

Bailey development stands at this he has finally learnt how to clap hands but only when prompted (I have to hold his arms) He is still not waving goodbye. The hand tremors are back only when he is trying to feed himself and he drops his food a lot. He is crawling like a greyhound seriously I haven't seen a baby crawl as fast as he does but on the other hand he has started to drag the left leg a lot. He has also began sitting on his tailbone I'm not sure what that means. He can stand by himself(that's right folks) for 5 secs with a big goofy grin on his face and to my complete and utter surprise took 3 steps last night to his daddy!!! He has major problems with balance but his getting there and his trying which is what counts!

Sleeping is another issue. He is just not that into sleeping he has 1 day sleep lasting from anywhere between 1 hour and 2 hours and goes to bed at 8:30pmand wakes at anywhere between 4:00am and 5:00am. Lucky for me I have a great husband who every second day gets out with him so i can have a little bit of a sleep in. I will leave you with some recent pics of my baby boy!!!

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