
The Good News and The Bad!!!!

I'm just going to say the bad news first so i can get it over with! Bailey had an appointment with Occupational Therapy today and he received a diagnosis of sorts he has sensory proccessing disorder which means he is overly sensitive to touch and has trouble regulating his emotions and can't bring himself back to that normal level which any other person child or infant can! The good news is that we can try and find ways in to help him deal with them better. We are starting with the hydro therapy pool every week for 6 weeks then depending on wether he tolerates it or not moving onto the Gym for another 6 weeks so i am going to be one busy mummy for awhile with all the lessons and early learning and Baileys checkups with peads and so forth i just feel like I'm neglecting the other kids a bit all this stuff with Bailey makes it hard to spend any time with Ryan for his speech therapy and just plain time for thomas to just read to him or cook. This has turned into a bit of a rant hasn't it I'm sorry just feeling a tad down! I went and brought Bailey some bathers because he doesnt have any being winter here and everything got some for myself as well and Ryan needed new shoes and both of the older boys needed slippers. I finally found some shoes for Bailey that had all of the requirements that the physio wanted they are called i-walk and they are great worth the $65 for sure!

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