
Asthma, Speech therapy and Physio!!!

Ok ok the titile of this post the first two parts are to do with Ryan last one Bailey. Ryan was not very well this week on Tuesday he came home from school and he looked terrible! Then his temp started going up at one point it was 39.8 degrees! So i rang my GP who told me he would be up later that afternoon ( The guy does home visits gotta love him :)) After the phone call Ryan started having an asthma attack he started coughing to the point where he couldn't get a breath in then started vomiting! A 2.5mg nebule seemed to do a lot He was still coughing but nowhere near as much and he wasn't vomiting. GP came up and as soon as he seen him he said It looks like he has pnemonia I said oh crap! But when he checked his lungs they were clear andeverything else was fine he said he wanted to see him tomorrow because he looked so unwell and he was he was all floppy and hot and terrible. GP was hoping it was a virus. Well turns out my GP was right next day apart from coughing Ryan was nearly back to his normal self when the GP came in he said it was like looking at a different child and apparently the 3 kids over the road from us have the same thing today!

On to Ryan's speechtherapy he makes me sooo sad sometimes with the problems he has. He is learning ch and j words and he was doing ok i was trying to get him to say the words really pronouncing the ch and he came to stretching and he couldn't say it i felt sooo upset and then he started crying and said mummy i can't say it :( then i nearly cried what he muct go through at school because he can;'t be understood it near breaks my heart. Today he gets his school report so we will see how he is going!

Bailey's Physio appointment went alright BAILEY IS WALKING well his walking 5 steps at a time before falling over. She did have some concerns with his feet though he is scrunching his toes in and standing on tipytoes still and when she checked his feet she said he had low tone in his ankles and you know how ive been saying about his sitting low trunk tone so solution heaps of practising squatting because he just sits down to get something if he is standing. And hard soled shoes they have to be straight at the sole have good ankle support and no arch and they have to be in his tiny foot size 3 lol I tried several stores and couldnt find any all shoes that little are soft soled so having some trouble any suggestions would be great.

Thomas is being his normal boistourous self and he wants a cupcake maker for his birthday apparently. This cupcake maker is a girl gourmet thing so its generally for girls but what can i say the little guy loves to cook i swear he is going to be a chef when he is older!

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